Residential Door Installation Near Me

If you are experiencing problems with how your residential door is working currently then this is the right time to look for a reliable door installation near me to show you some ideas and solutions to your door problems.

Before you go ahead and hire your door installer there are some basics that you need to know. It is unfortunate that there are rogue door installers who could easily take advantage of your situation especially if you know nothing about door installations and repairs.

It is vital that you ensure that the door you will choose is going to fit into the opening. The residential door installation near me should be able to correctly measure the height of the opening, and then measure the width at both the top and the bottom. Next, they should be able to check each side with a level. The sides don’t have to be perfectly plumb (they rarely are), but they do have to be close enough to allow adequate room for your door.

With residential door installation contractors need to ensure that the bottom of each doorjamb is at the proper height. If they're installing a door on a finished floor and the floor isn’t level, the would have to cut a little off the bottom of one of the jambs.

Do they have a level to check the floor? Rest a level across the opening and level it with one or more shims. Mark the shim at the thickest point, and measure the thickness of the shim at the mark. That’s exactly how much would need to cut off the jamb at the opposite side of the opening.

There are more steps involved to finish any residential door installation project. That's why hiring a good residential door installation near me is of paramount importance.

Parker Custom Security is NYC Commercial Doors & Residential Doors 
Specialist Commercial-Residential Exterior-Interior Door Installation &
Repair Services
217 West 135th Street New York, NY 10030
